It's been so long... Woefully long! I have missed this. It has certainly not been through lack of wanting that I have been so absent. Life. Been. Busy.
I'm studying some ( a Cert. in Small Business Management through
Te Wananga o Aoteroa) and getting 'officially' into home educating the beautiful boy- because we've always been doing it, just now there's a piece of paper from the Ministry of Education endorsing what we do (which is sometimes helpful... maybe more on that another day). Oh, and no kindy drop offs (or days for this mama to get her study on, or make appointments...). But it's AWESOME! I feel SO blessed to be on this journey with the most important person in my life. And to have EVEN MORE time to spend with him?! What more could this Mama want :-).
Tea party!!!* |
Rock on my little love :-).* |
I wish you could really see that grin! These girls are magic, I tell ya!* |
Chicken palace, built with love, artistically styled with crazy-naughty alpaca photo bomb...* |
It's true. But if war was generally more responsible for creating positive change, then this might feel like an accurately represented comparison. It still resonates with me though. Greatly* |
More fridge space* |
Corr! Man do I love him! :-).* |
Actually, the small guy has been going to a one-day school kinda program called
Hinengaro, which has been choice for him, and meant I can keep reasonably up to date with the study. He's there with a bunch of other home-ed kids, and some fantastic facilitators. Aaand he takes a packed lunch- this is so new to me, as his kindy was Rudolph Steiner they provided organic meals and snacks for the kids, and we took lunch together to Playcentre, so 'pre-packing' (ie chopping/spreading and wrapping stuff) was way less necessary. So far his lunch consists of mostly the same deal- he is such of creature of habit (I hear that is developmental... Crossing some fingers...!)- Salami, apple n cheese, pear, banana, mandarin (ahoy winter fruit!), popcorn or crackers, and his new favorite- nori sheets (praise the universe!!) I'd really love some more suggestions.... What do y'all feed your small, wonderful ones?
Hey, thanks for stopping by- I hope to see more of you soon :-).
Arohanui, Tink*